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Using the xLDD visualization for dependency structures
Extended Linguistic Dependency Diagrams (xLDDs) are graphical representations of dependency relations (for the ISST-TANL dependency tagset see here) which can interactively be customised by the user. The xLDD thumbnail view is offered as an alternative to the standard KWIC display. Each line is showing a small version of the dependency structure for the corresponding sentence, together with the sentence text, as in the KWIC view with expanded context. Double clicking on a small version of a diagram will show a larger version in a new window.
Dependency diagrams can be explored in a variety of ways:
- to move the diagram, drag the mouse.
- to get more information about a dependency relation, hover the mouse over the arc.
- to see the lemma for a word, hover the mouse over the word.
- to see the part of speech for a word, hover the mouse over the dot or diamond above it.
- to get more information about the dependencies of a word, double click on the word.
Customizable dependency visualization
In the separate window view you can specify and alter the visual display of both text and arcs with regard to the dependency relations and additional information associated with tokens of the dependency structure. In this view, you can also zoom the diagram in and out, by using the slider or the plus and minus (maximize/minimize) buttons.
For the visual display of dependency relations you can choose among different options. You can also customize the display of unselected relations.
Display options for dependency relations
The options for displaying dependency relations are:
- basic grey lines for selected arcs
- thicker lines for selected arcs
- red-coloured line for selected arcs
- selected arcs in different colours with a different colour for each (selected) dependency type
- basic grey line for unselected arcs
- unselected arcs are hidden
- unselected arcs below the text
The visual display of up to four dependency relations can be defined.
Display options for words and lemmas
Token level information can be displayed for words and lemmas, by putting them in a comma-separated list. Displaying options for word and lemma information include:
- green colouring for selected words or lemmas
- multiple colours distinguishing different words or lemmas
- print in bold face for words or lemmas
Display options for parts of speech
Part of speech information is visualized on the nodes above each token. The basic visualization shows circular nodes in grey colour. Up to four part-of-speech types can be distinguished visually. Display options are:
- bigger bullet for the node of selected parts of speech
- diamond shape for the node of selected parts of speech
- multiple shapes for the nodes of selected parts of speech
Display options are applied to the diagram by clicking on the "submit" button.
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